If you have been involved in an accident, chances are you might have sustained an injury like whiplash. Although whiplash is common in rear-end car accidents, you can experience this condition from sports and other physical activities. Fortunately, you don’t have to suffer from whiplash. Our chiropractor at Makefield Chiropractic and Wellness Center has the training and experience to effectively treat auto accident injuries like whiplash using natural and non-invasive techniques. Here are a few questions we often receive about whiplash.

How does whiplash occur?

Whiplash occurs when your head suddenly jerks backward and forward due to impact. As a result of the vigorous head movement, your neck’s muscles and joints are damaged or strained, causing pain.

What are the causes of whiplash?

Both severe and minor car accidents often cause whiplash. However, any collision that causes your head to snap back and forth uncontrollably can cause whiplash.

What are the symptoms of whiplash?

You know you have whiplash if you experience pain and stiffness in your neck, shoulder, and upper back. This pain becomes more pronounced when you move your head or neck up and down. In addition, some people experience tingling in the arms, frequent headaches, distorted vision, poor concentration, and jaw pain.

When do symptoms of whiplash start manifesting?

Typically, whiplash symptoms don’t appear immediately after the impact. Most symptoms show up after 24 hours, although it’s not uncommon for whiplash symptoms to appear after days or even weeks. For this reason, we recommend patients visit us immediately for a thorough assessment. We can diagnose your condition before symptoms even set in.

How do chiropractors treat whiplash?

After we diagnose the root cause of your pain or discomfort, our chiropractor will create a treatment plan unique to your recovery needs. We use spinal manipulation and chiropractic adjustments to realign the musculoskeletal system to alleviate pain and promote the body’s natural healing process. Corrective exercises restore your full range of motion, while massage therapy soothes your pain and reduces any muscle restrictions.

Visit Us for Auto Accident Injury Treatment in Newton, PA

While whiplash isn’t life-threatening, it can diminish your overall quality of life. Luckily, our team at Makefield Chiropractic and Wellness Center is here to prevent that from happening. Contact us today to schedule your first consultation or to learn more about how we can treat whiplash and other auto accident injuries.