When you think of going to a chiropractor, you think of spinal adjustments, removing subluxations, and perhaps massage therapy. What may not always come to mind, however, is nutritional counseling. At its roots, chiropractic care is about taking a holistic approach to achieving balance and wellness for the entire body. This is true whether it is by treating injuries, reducing pain, or correcting conditions that impact your everyday life.


Nutrition is a major part of our holistic approach because what you eat can impact the health and wellness of your body. At Makefield Chiropractic Center in Newtown, PA, we offer nutritional counseling to our patients to support the treatment plan and improve their quality of life.

Our Nutrition Counseling Services

Our team at Makefield Chiropractic Center uses nutritional counseling to help with a range of conditions, including:

  • Autoimmune and inflammatory conditions: We often treat patients with autoimmune and inflammatory conditions such as diabetes and scoliosis. Nutrition goes hand-in-hand with treating the root cause of these conditions. We will counsel you on what foods can cause inflammation and what foods can worsen your autoimmune disease.
  • Weight loss: Nutritional counseling can help you with your weight loss goals. Not only will this help you feel better and have more energy, but it will also work hand-in-hand with your chiropractic treatments to relieve some of your pain and ailments. The less weight you carry, the less stress you place on your joints when you move.
  • Vitamin deficiencies: Whether you are anemic or do not have enough vitamin D or vitamin B12, our counselors can help you make a nutritional plan to ensure your body gets the nutrients it needs to thrive. We can also provide supplements that help with vitamin deficiencies.

The Complete Package

In addition, we can use nutritional counseling to help reduce your anxiety, boost your immune system, increase energy, and relieve the symptoms of diabetes, high blood pressure, Crohn’s disease, menopause, and insomnia. When we create a plan for your nutrition, we often integrate it with ongoing chiropractic adjustments, as well as plans for at-home exercises and stretches that can help to further the progress of your treatment.

Get Nutritional Counseling in Newtown, PA 

If your goals involve weight loss, treating health conditions, or relieving pain and ailments, our team at Makefield Chiropractic Center can help. If you would like to know more about our nutritional counseling program or would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Sangiorgio, call us today at (215) 860-9660.